Top Animal Health Links This Week (Jan. 4 – 10)

To help you stay on top of animal health and disease news, we are posting our top links of the week, which will direct you to important information and discussions around animal health. Below, please find the links, broken down by Network. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter if you want to see the best animal health links on the net every day. Read our guides on how to use Twitter and Facebook for continuing education.


Great article on zoonotic diseases: how they occur & how our changing population is affecting prevalence


A calf tested positive for #rabies in #Perth County #Ontario. Find out more here

Companion Animals

The Q4 Companion Animal survey is live. If you are a CA vet in Ontario, please take a minute to fill it out

Want more information about the respiratory outbreak in dogs in Orangeville and elsewhere in 2015? Find out here

Here is an update on OMNRF Wildlife Rabies Surveillance and Control Zones in Ontario 


Graphic representation from CFIA indicating where Equine Infectious Anemia cases were found in Canada in 2015

An exciting new initiative for the US and global equine community – “Equine Disease Communication Center”

Are you an equine vet practicing in Ontario? Please take 5 minutes to fill out the quarterly OAHN equine survey


From CFIA  Animals: Notice to Industry – Change to federal management of aquatic disease in Canada


Find out what Canada is doing to strengthen the surveillance, early detection, and response measures to avian flu

We have published the most recent OAHN Poultry veterinary and producer reports. If you are a vet, register to view


PED survives better in colder weather. Producers and truckers should review biosecurity and truck washing protocols


Two new cases of raccoon rabies in Hamilton

Here is an update on OMNRF Wildlife Rabies Surveillance and Control Zones in Ontario